Signs, Signs, Everywhere Are Signs…

Have you ever picked up on the signs and synchronicities that occur in your life?

I never really did until I started seeing number signs around 2012. It was perplexing. Why in the world was I constantly seeing (the now infamous) 11:11? Why would the number 3:16 show up on the regular (on receipts, phone numbers, the time, license plates)? No one in my circles understood and we all chalked it up to Jennie being Jennie (in a fun and quirky way). Time progressed and I saw all kinds of number signs and started taking pictures. Who did I need to prove it to other than myself? Then the question of "WHY" came to me. Why were these number signs coming in? So then I progressed to "WHAT". What was I thinking about at that time the number sign came in? I began training myself to be present when seeing the signs.

I quickly started connecting dots between my mind overriding my intuition, and these signs were coming in to confirm that a) go with my gut and/or b) take a moment and pause, be in this moment and know you are surrounded by your team - life is more than the keyboard in front of you, stop and be present. The door was opening to something that I never then understood but would soon be in sync with.

Why does this all come up today? Why do I feel compelled to share and inquire?

Last night, I spent a beautiful evening with a kindred soul sister, reconnecting with life, working some interesting energy exchanges to release stagnant energies in her home, talking about karmic cycles ending due a difference in response, ancestor burdens purging, inner child work. Late night of woo woo soul connection at its finest!

Fast forward to this morning. I wake up after sleeping hard, with a call from my son who stopped by. Best alarm clock ever! Put on some coffee, chatted for a few minutes and then prepped/headed out to another kindred soul connection - brunch at one of our fave places in Purcellville.

As always, I am late. Not out of disrespect, but I get lost in the moment, in the signs, in the beauty that surrounds me. I'm driving a little slower due to a car in front of me going under the speed limit on this windy two lane road, but I am not worried or agitated.

Instead, on this rainy morning, I am going slow enough to notice the green of the grass on either side of me, the buds on the trees that are widening to allow the fresh green leaves to expand and the vibrant yellow of the daffodils in plethora outside homes and in the median of route 7. I am reminded of my grandmother who would stop on the side of the road and go over and cut a handful of those flowers to take home - one time being told by an officer that it was against the law (she probably stopped after that though). I laugh.

A blue heron glides over from my right to my left, heading to a little lake. I feel the beauty around me and within me. I smile with gratitude. The heron is reminding me to go with the flow. Don't worry about being late. Be here.

I notice the song that is on. Put Your Lights On (Santana and Everlast). If you listen to the words it speaks of life, the light and the darkness within each of us and that there is an angel, with her hand on my head, saying I've got nothing to fear - we all shine like stars. (Highly recommend you listen to the song and see how you respond to it.) This song is weaving in my inner work, the ancestors, my angelic team all in one.

As I get closer - no more than 5 miles left based on Waze, the car to my right's license plate reads: H8TOBL8. I am now literally laughing out loud. (Hate to be late... and guess what - I am now 20 minutes late!!!). So for one moment I feel really bad because my friend has been sitting for 20 minutes alone sipping coffee. Since jeepers unite, I park next to her and see her license plate. 143 is in the last part of it. 143 = I love you. I shake it off, I can't do anything about it but be myself. I go in with a smile on my face and give her a hug.

We laugh. She is notoriously early. I am notoriously late. Shocker. We get into conversations and laugh and enjoy ourselves. A few minutes later, I jump from my seat as someone is within my bubble...another kindred soul to my left hugging me! I jump again - a nano second later as another is to my right hugging me. Total lovingly shock moment - no clue I was going to have a surprise late birthday brunch (and they pulled it off!). Fast forward 4 hours later, belly full of laughs and yummy food, heart full from the last 24 hours of soul connections - all unique and beautiful in their own way, we each head home, back to the daily of our lives.

Driving to Leesburg to drop off donations, looking again at the daffodils and waving to my girlfriends as I pass them on 7, I am going back through my memory of the signs from the morning. Go with the Flow. I love you. You are protected and surrounded by angels and soul tribes and mother earth and the universe. Beauty surrounds you, take time to slow down and enjoy. We all shine like stars.

So here is the question for each of us to ponder today and in the coming days, reflecting on the past as well. What are some of your signs and synchronicities? Do you have any? Are you starting to experience some and not understand the why? Do you understand the why and learning to work with the energy of the signs and synchronicities in your daily life? Any particular number signs or animal spirit guides (hawks, cardinals, robins, rabbits, crows, snakes, herons?). Are you noticing certain signs at certain times of your life providing direction or guidance or confirmation? I'd love to hear from you on thoughts surrounding this topic. Let's share and open the door to the beauty behind the signs and synchronicities.


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