Certified Transpersonal Hypnosis - CHt (Guided Imagery), Soul Empowering Hypnosis (SEH) and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)
Hypnosis is a relaxed state of fixated attention where your conscious mind can take a break and you can work with your subconscious mind instead.
Welcome to the realm of hypnotherapy including Certified Transpersonal Hypnosis (CHt), Soul Empowering Hypnosis (SEH), and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). These transformative modalities offer profound insights and healing by tapping into the depths of your subconscious mind.
What it is:
Hypnosis is a state of mind that allows us to access the deeper parts of ourselves to facilitate positive change. It serves as a genuine therapeutic tool and can be utilized as an alternative medical treatment for various conditions, such as insomnia, depression, phobias, and pain management. Contrary to popular belief, hypnosis is a common state experienced daily by most individuals. Whether it's zoning out while driving a familiar route, becoming absorbed in a movie and shedding a tear, or daydreaming, these are all examples of everyday hypnosis. In hypnosis, you enter a relaxed state of fixated attention where your conscious mind takes a break, allowing you to work with your subconscious mind instead.
What it is NOT:
Contrary to Hollywood's portrayal, hypnosis is not akin to "Stage Hypnosis," where individuals seemingly lose control of their abilities under the influence of a theatrical practitioner. In reality, with hypnosis (or Guided Imagery), you maintain full control over the session. In most sessions, you actively communicate the visuals or feelings, unveiling the inner root issues brought to light by your subconscious. This empowers you to self-advocate effortlessly from start to finish. Personally, I find guided imagery sessions beneficial for attracting abundance, embracing change, and connecting with my Soul Team. My clients have found solace in sessions tailored to smoking cessation, stress management, happy child regressions, and past life regressions. Additional variations include anxiety reduction, weight loss, career planning, pain alleviation, chakra attunement, developing intuitive abilities, and more.
What is QHHT and SEH Hypnosis?
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and Soul Empowering Hypnosis (SEH) empower your soul to embark on a transformative journey. Through these modalities, you can:
Connect with your Higher Self
Review Past Lives and their lessons/purpose
Merge with your Soul’s energy.
Explore past, current, future, and concurrent lives.
Channel Soul wisdom by inviting your Soul to speak through your vocal chords.
Connect with your Spirit Guides and Angels.
Explore the Spirit Realm.
Experience timeline shifts.
Communicate directly with your body to heal.
Seek clarity from your Soul.
Explore the spiritual aspects of your life.